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Read each section carefully and answer the questions based on each textFor the following questions answer:• TRUE if the statement agrees with the information• FALSE if the statement contradicts the information• NOT GIVEN if there is no information on thisEverybody who experiences a new culture suffers from culture shock to some degree. The first thing to do is remember who you are and that you have a lot to offer your new culture. Other people from your culture can provide support and familiarity but don’t rely on them too much .This is a unique experience so you should immerse yourself and learn as much as you can.You will especially need to learn the language. Get used to the slang and the speed native speakers speak. Even people who have studied a language for many years are often shocked at how little they know. Don’t worry it will get easier!Culture shock is a form of stress and exercise can help reduce this. Find out where you can swim orjoin a gym. If you like team sports you will be able to meet new friends with common interests .If you are not sporty try an arts class or any other hobby where you can meet other people and unwind. There will be lots of things you want to do and places to explore but remember to try to relax as well.Remember it won’t always be easy but neither will it always be hard. You are not alone in feeling culture shock – it’s natural – so allow yourself to feel sad. It’s important to keep in contact with friends and family and with the internet, messenger and cheap phone cards it is easier and cheaper than ever. Take control! If there are things you don’t like about your new culture, find ways to avoid them and concentrate on the things you enjoy and are interested in. Think about why you came to the country in the first place and what you want to achieve there. Your goals may change or you might not achieve them all but the important thing is to enjoy the moment as much as you can.Try to like everything about the new culture.


发布时间:2024-11-16 10:04:57
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