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Twenty years ago, kids in school never even heard of the Internet. Now, I’ll bet you can’t find a (  )click here person in your school who hasn’t at least heard of it. In fact, many of us use it on a (  ) basis!The Internet is a vast resource for all types of (  ) . You may enjoy using it to do research for a school project, downloading your (  ) songs or communicating with friends and family. However, when you email people, you have to be very careful. If you’ve never met the person that you’re communicating with (  ), you could be on dangerous ground! You should never give away any (  )information to someone you don’t know, not even your name! And just like you can’t believe the information on every (  ) out there, you can’t always trust the strangers you “meet” on the Internet, either. Just like you could make up things about yourself when chatting with someone online, he or she could do the (  )to you!

Twenty years ago, kids in school never even heard of the Internet. Now, I’ll bet you can’t find a (  )click here person in your school who hasn’t at least heard of it. In fact, many of us use it on a (  ) basis!The Internet is a vast resource for all types of (  ) . You may enjoy using it to do research for a school project, downloading your (  ) songs or communicating with friends and family. However, when you email people, you have to be very careful. If you’ve never met the person that you’re communicating with (  ), you could be on dangerous ground! You should never give away any (  )information to someone you don’t know, not even your name! And just like you can’t believe the information on every (  ) out there, you can’t always trust the strangers you “meet” on the Internet, either. Just like you could make up things about yourself when chatting with someone online, he or she could do the (  )to you!

发布时间:2024-09-29 01:05:13
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