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In the event that an ignition timing pointer is not available an alternate method may be used. Rotate the crankshaft in direction of normal rotation until No.1 cylinder is on the compression stroke and continue rotating the crankshaft until the correct advance timing mark on the front of the starter ring gear is in exact alignment with the small drilled hole located at the two o'clock position on the front face of the starter housing. Leave the crankshaft in this position until the magneto is installed.

In the event that an ignition timing pointer is not available an alternate method may be used. Rotate the crankshaft in direction of normal rotation until No.1 cylinder is on the compression stroke and continue rotating the crankshaft until the correct advance timing mark on the front of the starter ring gear is in exact alignment with the small drilled hole located at the two o'clock position on the front face of the starter housing. Leave the crankshaft in this position until the magneto is installed.

发布时间:2024-09-23 13:27:10
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