请在 下方输入 要搜索的题目:

1、Please finish question 2 on page 1, question3(2) on page 2, questions 2 and 4 on page 3, question 1(3) on page 5, question 1 on page 6. 2、Take pictures for all question answers and send all pictures to the mail box of the teaching assistant, and upload question 2 on page 1 before 11th Sept. 3、Please finish the sketch in the last page of the attachment using Inventor software (Inventor 2021), save it as ipt file and upload before 18th Sept. Note that the file should be named as DUT-Student Number-Student Name, e.g., DUT-20211222001-王明明 (Student name only for non-DUT students).

1、Please finish question 2 on page 1, question3(2) on page 2, questions 2 and 4 on page 3, question 1(3) on page 5, question 1 on page 6. 2、Take pictures for all question answers and send all pictures to the mail box of the teaching assistant, and upload question 2 on page 1 before 11th Sept. 3、Please finish the sketch in the last page of the attachment using Inventor software (Inventor 2021), save it as ipt file and upload before 18th Sept. Note that the file should be named as DUT-Student Number-Student Name, e.g., DUT-20211222001-王明明 (Student name only for non-DUT students).

发布时间:2024-09-25 20:36:59
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